关于「 Port」的内容列表

Polyhedra:Web3Port 及其关联企业并非其做市商

3月27日消息,针对近期 Movement、GoPlus 以及 Myshell 的相关争议,Polyhedra Network 发布声明表示,“Web3Port 及其关联企业并非我们的做市商,我们从未与任何不负责任的公司展开做市合作,也不会在未来使用此类企业提供做市服务。”

2025-03-27 01:06:02
The United States has announced tariffs on countries importing Venezuelan oil, and the Foreign Ministry has responded

On March 25th, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Guo Jiakun hosted a regular press conference. Reuters reporter asked, US President Trump issued an executive order on Monday announcing that any country that buys oil from Venezuela will pay a 25% tariff on its trade with the United States. China is the largest buyer of Venezuelan oil. Will China stop buying oil from Venezuela? Guo Jiakun said that the United States has long abused illegal unilateral sanctions and so-called "long-arm jurisdiction" to ...

2025-03-25 07:35:59
Matrixport: The correlation between Bitcoin and the Nasdaq has reached an extreme level, and it may usher in a trend divergence

On March 25th, Matrixport released a daily chart analysis saying that the 30-day actual correlation between Bitcoin ETF IBIT and Nasdaq is approaching 70%, a level that has only occurred twice in history, indicating that Bitcoin is currently being driven by the same macro factors as other risk assets. This high correlation mainly reflects the market's revaluation of earnings expectations before the first quarter earnings season and the negative impact of tariff policy uncertainty. Therefore, the...

2025-03-25 09:04:11

3月25日消息,Matrixport 发布每日图表分析称,比特币 ETF IBIT 与纳斯达克的 30 日实际相关性正逼近 70%,这一水平在历史上仅出现过两次,表明比特币当前正受与其他风险资产相同的宏观因素驱动。这一高相关性主要反映了市场对一季度财报季前的盈利预期重估,以及关税政策不确定性带来的负面影响。因此造成比特币近期走势与美股科技...

2025-03-25 09:04:11


2025-03-25 09:01:10

3月24日消息,Matrixport 发布今日图表,比特币正试图突破下行趋势,受益于美联储态度略显鸽派,以及特朗普暗示对关税采取更具针对性的策略。与过去几周相比,这些变化为市场提供了更具建设性的环境。 此外,随着季度末临近,套利基金的抛售压力正在缓解,因资金费率持续低迷,且大部分抛售已接近尾声。尽管当前催化因素尚不足以支撑比特币创下历史新高,但...

2025-03-24 07:13:47
RedStone clarifies that it is not working with Web3Port or market maker Whisper

The centralized oracle project RedStone released a statement to clarify that it has not partnered with Web3Port or market maker Whisper, and that the previous cooperation statement has not been officially approved. RedStone immediately requested the removal of such information upon discovery, but there may still be traces of some indexing. RedStone emphasizes that the above entities have never provided market-making services to it, and that such misleading statements may cause serious impact and...

2025-03-20 05:17:59
RedStone 澄清:未与 Web3Port 或做市商 Whisper 合作

中心化预言机项目 RedStone 发布声明,澄清未与 Web3Port 或做市商 Whisper 合作,此前流传的相关合作声明未经官方同意。 RedStone 发现此类信息后已立即要求移除,但仍可能存在部分被索引的痕迹。RedStone 强调,上述实体从未为其提供做市服务,此类误导性声明可能造成严重影响和实际损害,团队致力于保持行业诚信,并将持续加强与社区及生态系统的沟通透明度。

2025-03-20 05:17:59

Matrixport在社交平台发文表示,截至2024年12月中旬,比特币ETF资金流入与比特币期货未平仓合约(0pen Interest)均达到约350亿美元。此后,期货头寸大幅回落,而比特币ETF资金流保持相对稳定。 这表明短线交易者正在离场,可能将筹码卖给长期投资者。目前,资金费率和市场交易量均较低,除非出现新的宏观催化剂,否则比特币ETF资金的显著增长可能性较小。

2025-03-19 07:04:11
Matrixport: Stablecoin funds continue to flow in, laying the foundation for bitcoin demand growth

Matrixport released today's chart saying that while the surge in stablecoins slowed in the fourth quarter of 2024, the overall growth momentum continued, indicating that funds continued to flow into the crypto market. It is worth noting that, despite the impact of the European MiCA regulatory framework on USDT, the market has not seen large-scale outflows. As stablecoin inflows rise steadily, demand for bitcoin is likely to grow, further driving up prices.

2025-03-18 07:56:52

Matrixport 发布今日图表称,尽管 2024 年第四季度稳定币的激增趋势有所放缓,但整体增长势头仍在延续,表明资金持续流入加密市场。 值得注意的是,尽管欧洲 MiCA 监管框架对 USDT 带来影响,但市场并未出现大规模资金流出。随着稳定币资金流入稳步上升,比特币需求可能随之增长,从而进一步推动价格上涨。

2025-03-18 07:56:52
Matrixport: Gold Breakthrough Reinforces Bitcoin Bull Logic, Alternative Asset Momentum Climbs

On March 17, Matrixport said that the price of gold broke through a record high, further strengthening the "digital gold" narrative of bitcoin, which has gradually emerged since gold broke through $2,000 in the summer of 2023. At present, gold is not only regarded as a hedge against the expansion of US debt, but also as a safe-haven asset to avoid the risk of tariffs. The status and momentum of bitcoin and gold as alternative assets continue to rise as institutions such as BlackRock drive market...

2025-03-17 07:10:20

3月17日消息,Matrixport表示,黄金价格突破历史新高,进一步强化了比特币的“数字黄金”叙事,自2023年夏季黄金突破2000美元以来,这一趋势已逐步显现。当前,黄金不仅被视为对抗美国债务膨胀的对冲工具,还成为规避关税风险的避险资产。 随着贝莱德等机构推动比特币的市场情绪,比特币和黄金作为另类资产的地位和动能持续提升。尽管黄金突破300...

2025-03-17 07:10:20
Matrixport: Global liquidity improves, but the Meme market still shows no signs of recovery, and bitcoin risks remain

On March 14, Matrixport reported that despite the recent weakening of the US dollar, global liquidity indicators have rebounded and inflation data have improved slightly, but the meme coin sector in the cryptocurrency market is still sluggish and shows no signs of recovery. According to the report, the counterfeit products market began to decline after peaking in early December 2024, and the meme bubble burst in January this year, causing the total cryptocurrency market capitalization to decreas...

2025-03-14 08:45:49
Matrixport:全球流动性改善,但 Meme 币市场仍未显复苏迹象,比特币风险依然存在

3月14日消息,Matrixport 报告披露,尽管近期美元走弱推动全球流动性指标回升,通胀数据也略有改善,但加密货币市场中的模因币板块仍表现低迷,未显复苏迹象。 报告指出,山寨币市场在 2024 年 12 月初达到顶峰后开始下滑,模因币泡沫在今年 1 月破裂,导致加密货币市场总市值从 3.6 万亿美元减少至 2.6 万亿美元。 基于 Solana 的 P...

2025-03-14 08:45:49

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